
India should not destroy peace in the region!

By: Abdul Rehman Qureshi

It seems that India is once again seeking to destroy the peace of the region and is preparing for a campaign against Pakistan in the name of flag operation or surgical strike to divert the attention of its people and the world from its internal weaknesses and internal problems. In view of the information received in this regard, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has drawn the attention of the UN Secretary General and the President of the Security Council to the seriousness and concern of the situation through various letters while the Indian side on the LoC and Working Boundary. The Pakistan Army, which is always on alert in the face of military provocations, is extremely alert. According to sources, after the defeat in Ladakh and Doklam, India is preparing an action in the style of Pulwama drama to divert attention from internal and external pressures. The mistreatment of minorities, farmers’ protests and criticism of the growing atrocities in Occupied Kashmir by the international media and institutions have also put New Delhi’s rulers in a quandary. Although the New Delhi government has been accustomed to mobilizing troops or engaging in border clashes on the Pakistani border since its independence from foreign colonial rule in 1947 to divert attention from its internal problems, India is still in power.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government is a staunch supporter of Hitler’s philosophy of Nazism and Fascism, in which it is important to lie and adopt methods that lead people to believe lies as truth and truth as lies. It is not far from the rulers of New Delhi to create any drama to reinforce their lies or to take advantage of propaganda facilities including social media to fabricate lies. The recent sensational report by the European think tank EUDIS Info Lab reveals how India has been misleading the European Union and the United Nations for 15 years. The report shows that 750 local media and more than 10 fake NGOs were used to spread fake news. It was reported that with the help of a fake NGO, allegations were made against Pakistan in the Human Rights Council and 550 websites were set up to spread fake news. According to the report, fake human rights organizations were funded against Pakistan and media houses were set up in Genoa, Brussels and other cities of the world to portray Pakistan in a negative light. It may be recalled that last year too, details of another well-organized anti-Pakistan propaganda scheme by India came to light, according to which 265 fake news sites run by India around the world presented a negative image of Pakistan and public opinion regarding Pakistan. , Government officials, public representatives and think tanks were trying to influence. The EU Disinfo Lab report also states that a website claiming to be a European Parliament magazine spread controlled news about minorities in Pakistan, giving the desired results. However, the situation at the moment is that the Indian media is also telling the Modi government not to hide the facts. I wish the peace loving circles and intellectuals in India would be able to convince their government that one of the consequences of the so-called surgical strike has been the destruction of Indian planes and the arrest of the pilot Nandan. It is easy to ignite the fire of war, but when the fire ignites, then no one can control it. The consequences of trying to play with fire in the region, which has many nuclear powers, including Pakistan, can be unimaginably dire.

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