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Item songs in Pakistan

Dear Editor,

I want to draw your attention towards a very important issue which unfortunately has become trend in society

The concept of item numbers in Pakistani cinema is increasing day by day which is not good for our audience as it is against our culture and ethics, it is hazardous especially for children who follow media and celebrities blindly.

Pakistani cinema is loosing its touch, the concept of item numbers is reaching heights. Every nation uses its media and cinema yo represent its culture, but we are going the other way here as we are following and portraying Indian culture in our movies. Firstly it was only confined to wedding dances where men and women both use to dance on Indian songs and do vulgar steps. And now item numbers where women are being portrayed as a mean to entertain men by wearing inappropriate dresses and dancing to amuse and arouse them.

This is not what Pakistan is or wants to be. Our dramas have done a very well job in past in showing and representing pure culture and they had been appreciated by outsiders as well. Unlike our movies that our people criticizes to extreme limit.

I request you to publish my letter so that makers can understand what we actually want from our cinema. As your newspaper is widely read across the nation and is liked by many I believe it will surely create the impact that is needed.

Usaid Siddique,


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