Shaikh Ayaz

Kashmir solidarity day was celebrated at The Shaikh Ayaz University, Shikarpur

By: Adeel Alvi
SHIKARPUR :Kashmir solidarity day was celebrated at The Shaikh Ayaz University, Shikarpur on Saturday.
5th February 2022. A rally under title “Freedom Walk” was taken over from the Vice Chancellor secretariat . Large number of employees, Officers, students, faculty members and civil society members participated in rally. During the rally participants chanted loud slogans;
DETERMINATION, with zeal and Spirit. The rally ended at Bhagat Kanwar Auditorium,
which was followed by students and faculty members speeches about Kashmir and their long struggle for right to self-determination as per UN security council resolutions.
Mr. Bakhtiar Ahmed Kubar, Assistant Professor, Pakistan Studies , in his opening speech shed light on background and developments on Kashmir issue. Speaking to large number of audience he said, “Kashmir issue is unfinished agenda of partition plan 1947”. He said according to both characteristics; will of people and geographical adjustment, Kashmir should have been part of Pakistan. Unfortunately violating partition plan Jammu and Kashmir was forcefully occupied by Indian forces. Quoting the facts he said despite many binding resolutions passed by United Nations Security Council, particularly on 5th January 1949, which guarantees Kashmiris right of self-determination are not implemented. He said right of self-
determination is fundamental right of Kashmiris; we Pakistani stand shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiris in their struggle for right of self-determination. In last he paid rich tribute to Kashmiris for their un- ending, determinant and courageous struggle despite many sacrifices.
After that students from different departments made speeches. In their speeches students emphasized and reiterated that Pakistani nation will continue un conditional, moral, social and
political support to Kashmiris, until they are freed from Indian forces forceful occupation. They said India is no more largest democracy but it has become largest dictator in world.They demanded from world human rights organizations and United Nations to take notice of Indian forces atrocities, extra judicial killings, rape and forceful disappearance in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. They called world community to arbitrate to solve this issue according to United Nations resolutions.
In last authorities applauded the students, employees, officers, faculty and civil society members huge participation to witness the event organized for Kashmir cause.

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