
Political confrontation and national security

By: Muhammad Idrees Sharo

What will be the result of the country’s seemingly dead end due to the intensifying confrontation between the government and the opposition and how irreparable damage will be done to the national interests in this turmoil? This question has rightly worried every sensitive and conscious Pakistani. The smoky rhetoric from both sides, in which full force is used to declare the opponent an enemy of the country and clearly incompetent and dishonest, is adding fuel to the fire. In this war of words, the fact that the other side also represents millions of Pakistanis is not taken into account while power is inevitable. In democracies, it is quite normal for today’s government to be in opposition to tomorrow and vice versa. However, the daily statements of our government and opposition leaders do not reflect this fact. The Prime Minister’s address at the groundbreaking ceremony of Chakwal University is a clear example of this attitude. In his address, he warned that the resignations of the MPs would result in the formation of the Forward Bloc. He accused his political opponents of using the military to overthrow his government

They want to provoke and speak the same language that is the language of the Indian propaganda machine. The Prime Minister also accused the opposition leaders of corruption as usual, while referring to the assurances that his party had won the election for the betterment of the nation, the Prime Minister took the position that people think that a button When you press it, change comes, while change comes first in the minds and then on the ground. However, the PTI is in fact responsible for this problem. Before coming to power, Imran Khan kept claiming to have the support of hundreds of experts from all walks of life. His party presented the exciting program of the first 100 days of his government before the elections to create millions of jobs during his tenure. People had expected immediate results from him because of the handsome and deceptive claims he had made to build millions of cheap houses and hundreds of dams, but two and a half years later when he saw it. Imran Khan is still warning his ministers that now we have only two and a half years left, now the excuse will not work that we are new and we do not have the experience to run the government, then naturally they are frustrated. Seem to happen. It is also surprising to the people that the present rulers on the one hand hold the leaders of the opposition political parties responsible for returning to the country but on the other hand people from the same parties, many of whom are facing serious allegations of corruption. The current government is fully involved. While in his latest address, the Prime Minister has raised the question in his mind by predicting the forward blocs in the opposition political parties in case of resignations of the opposition members, whether the country is once again preparing to decorate the market of conscience. Such political maneuvering is in fact a form of corruption. As far as criticism of the army is concerned, every patriotic Pakistani loves his army forever, but the demand of all state institutions to uphold the supremacy of the constitution and not to exceed its constitutional limits is not wrong for any reasonable person. In fact, it is, in fact, the only way out of the deadlock that the country has reached today and to ensure national security and stability.

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