Vivek Mosk

‘Promising candidate’, Elon Musk praises Vivek Ramaswamy for entering US presidential race

Indian-American legislator and US presidential contender, Vivek Ramaswamy, received accolades from Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk. Musk commended Ramaswamy while sharing a response post that featured an interview with the young Republican leader conducted by Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson on platform X.

Musk termed him a “highly promising candidate,” as he reshared the interview. The interview highlighted Ramaswamy, aged 37, as the youngest Republican nominee for the US presidency. This information was reported by NDTV. The tech magnate, who completed his studies at Harvard and Yale universities, was born to Indian parents who migrated to the US from the state of Kerala.

This event occurred after Elon Musk’s trip to China. Interestingly, during this period, the Republican leader criticized Musk’s extensive associations with Chinese officials. While in China, Musk declared his intention to expand his business ventures there and applauded China’s energy and potential. He met with the foreign minister of China during his visit.

Ramaswamy asserted that China furthered its interests by manipulating prominent figures in the US business realm. He expressed concern over Elon Musk’s meeting with China’s foreign minister, where Musk seemingly opposed the idea of decoupling and referred to the US and Communist China as “interconnected twins.” This statement was reposted by Tesla’s Vice President in China on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform, but curiously not in the US.

Elon Musk has previously supported Ron DeSantis, a critic of Trump who used a Twitter Spaces event to announce his candidacy.

In the race for the top position in January against former US President Donald Trump, three Indian-American candidates are in the running: Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, and Hirsh Vardhan Singh.

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