
Rallies mark ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ in Badin


By: Sawan Khaskheli                                      

BADIN: The political, religious parties, citizens, journalists and civil society took out different rallies in Badin to express solidarity with oppressed people of held Kashmir to mark ‘Kashmir Day’, here on Friday.

The main and massive rally was taken out from Deputy Commissioner House (DC campus office) led by Sayed Aijaz Ali Shah, Deputy Commissioner Badin, SSP Badin, Shabir Ahmed Sethar, District Development and Planning Officer, Dr. Ali Nawaz Bhoot, ADC-I, Ghulam Abbas Memon, ADC-II, Mohammad Younis Rind and other officials of district departments.

After marching on main wayfares, it reached at DC chowk Badin where children and teachers of different schools and colleges joined Kashmir rally.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner Badin, SSP Badin and others said that “Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan and we will continue to support morally, politically and diplomatic to Kashmiri brethren for their right of self-determination.”


The participants vowed to extend all possible support to the people of Kashmir in their struggle for securing their right to self-determination and urged heads of all Muslim states to take up the issue at all Internal forums saying that United Nations must play part to stop brutality and inhuman act exercised by Indian Government and its so call army.


On the other hand, Jamait Islami Badin chapter led by Sayed Ali Mardan Shah, Tehreek Labaik Pakistan, Tehreek Insaaf Pakistan Badin chapter led by Zubair Fazli, The Renaissance School Badin led Chairman, Abdul Qadir Khatti and also took out rallies to make solidarity with innocent people of occupied Kashmir and said that they would stand together with oppressed people of Kashmir and would continue their support.

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