Robots C

Robots – The future citizens

By: Sakshi Kumari

[ Sakshi Kumari is a twelve-year-old student from Hyderabad. She has amazingly written this nice article about our future world.]

Robots are the most fascinating invention in this time and age. Robots are machine that are designed through artificial intelligence and controlled by computers. Robots are used in many areas. They are used to perform dangerous tasks, complicated or bit boring for human being. They save time and work with productivity and efficiency. They work in all conditions even in hazardous environment.
They are used in factories to lift heavy objects and to do monotonous jobs. Even, they perform surgery, control by surgeons from a distant location. Robots are also used for space exploration, they help NASA in exploring the solar system and universe, capture samples and help scientists. Furthermore, there are numerous uses of robots in different field as they can perform all tasks which is a good benefit for developed countries like China, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and many countries which are taking good advantage of it.
Moreover, looking back in times of COVID-19 where life was quite difficult and life was of many people were on verge due to disastrous conditions. However, at that time country like Singapore, invented advance robots which stood in public for reminder to sanitize, wear mask and for minimizing contacts or avoiding social gathering and some underwent trials for hospitals.
In fact, in Colombia a fleet of boxy little robots named Rappi were doing home deliveries and they were being controlled by remotes for safe-space. Robots played a vital role at the time of pandemic which is an example that robots are one of the important inventions and make us more modern and civilize.
South Korea has been among the leading countries in industrial robot usage worldwide, they use for cleaning offices, as waiter in restaurant, as receptionist or manager containing all records, logistics, mainly for risky tasks in different environment and in industries for manufacturing purpose.
The necessity of automation in this era has made Japan manufactures many robots recently. Robots are very useful and can be superpower for countries like Pakistan for more technology and advantages. Robots are used for multipurpose.
We have the advantage that robots work faster but they increase unemployment because they replace human beings. They will increase economy and productivity in future but there are warning out for many job losses. There should be limited robots for advancement and to perform tough tasks which is not just a human thing. AI and robots are expected to penetrate our life.
Robots should be use for better tomorrow and especially South Asian countries should start manufacturing robots with time, as we can see other countries progressing faster and better with the facility of robots

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