
The spread of Corona again!

By: Ahad Amir Qureshi

The National Command and Operations Center, seeing a significant reduction in the third wave of Code 19, reopened all businesses, cinemas, restaurants, wedding halls and shrines across the country on July 1 with conditional permission to operate SOPs. Meanwhile, the federal and provincial governments insisted on providing vaccines to as many people as possible. Now, the new Corona epidemic across the country and the dire situation created in Karachi has once again alarmed the nation. In view of this, after a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, the Sindh government on Monday (yesterday) Has once again banned educational institutions, restaurants, shrines, wedding halls and other events from business activities from 6 am to 6 pm, Friday and Sunday holidays, and decided to allow 50 per cent attendance at offices. However, groceries, bakeries and pharmacies will remain open. Restaurants will only be allowed to carry food, but exams will be on schedule. At the same time, the provincial government has decided to write a letter to the PTA through the federal government to block the mobile SIMs of those who have not been vaccinated. These measures will once again cause problems for the government and the business community, reducing revenue separately. In addition, the situation in Sindh is a wake-up call for other provinces, while in India, Bangladesh and Indonesia it is caused by the Delta virus. Extreme caution is needed in the face of serious circumstances. It is best to keep past experiences in mind to prevent the spread of the epidemic and to ensure compliance with SOPs across the country as far as possible.

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