Usa Snow Fall

Worst blizzard in the United States, 1344 flights canceled

WASHINGTON: Blizzards in the United States headed to the northeastern states, where 1,344 flights were canceled in two days.

According to media reports, the US Meteorological Department said that the blizzard could affect millions of people. Storms are raging in the northeast, while warnings have been issued in 14 states. Where 60 million people could be affected by the weather.
Two feet of snow is forecast in Pennsylvania and New York. So far there have been several traffic accidents due to slippage, in which 2 people have been killed. The Meteorological Department has declared all types of travel dangerous. People may also lose access to electricity.
However, officials say the storm will not affect the delivery of the corona vaccine. A blizzard in the northeastern United States has canceled 1,344 flights in two days.

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