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A major human tragedy could ensue if Afghanistan is not addressed in a timely manner: Foreign Minister

ISLAMABAD : Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has once again drawn the attention of the international community to Afghanistan, saying that if not addressed in time, a major humanitarian crisis could erupt in Afghanistan.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while addressing the Margalla Dialogue Forum, said that Afghanistan could be suffering from malnutrition and if Afghanistan was not taken care of, tragedy could ensue.

He said that the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) could help the Afghan brothers in overcoming the humanitarian crisis, adding that the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers would meet in Islamabad on Sunday. It has a large population and Pakistan’s relations with China are very strong. Despite Corona, exports from Pakistan to the UK increased by 28%. Pakistan invested کروڑ 300 million this year.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Pakistan had extended its hand for talks when Modi government came to India, India preferred to close its doors on Pakistan’s offer of talks.

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