
Controversy Surrounds Delay in Publication of Class XII English Textbook by Sindh Textbook Board

In a development raising eyebrows across educational circles, the Sindh Textbook Board (STB) finds itself embroiled in controversy over the delayed publication of the Class XII English textbook. While the XI class textbook was successfully published in 2021, the eagerly anticipated follow-up for Class XII, scheduled for release the following year, remains conspicuously absent from shelves.

Sources told the Daily News that the delay stems from violation of established protocols. It is reported that the new textbook has indeed been written and is ready for publication. However, the STB, still under the influence of the ‘caretaker government’ , has yet to release it to the public.  Allegedly, officers within the STB illegally engaged a private organization to write the textbook, bypassing the authors initially notified for the task. The manuscript, already completed and submitted by the designated authors, was intended for the requisite internal and external reviews. Instead, STB purportedly sidestepped this process, opting to involve the private organization.

This move has sparked concerns regarding transparency, fairness, and adherence to established protocols in educational material development. Questions linger about the motivations behind bypassing the rightful authors and the potential ramifications of favoring a private entity in this manner.

Amidst mounting scrutiny, stakeholders are calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the delayed publication and the alleged irregularities in the selection of the textbook’s authors. Concerns persist regarding the impact of such actions on educational standards and the integrity of the curriculum.

As the controversy unfolds, educators, students, and the public at large eagerly await clarity and accountability from the authorities involved in ensuring the timely and equitable provision of educational resources.

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