Jirga 1

Democracy is a feudalism

By: Nirmal Oad

A shocking and heart wrenching  news made me sorrowful that 27-year-old Hina Shahnawaz has been murdered and beaten up rigorously for defying jirga’s decision of forced wedlock in Kohat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Province. It is a despicable deed and grotesque act which has been befallen at the drop of a hat. If we throw light on this hot potato, we will meet a pack of veracities. She has done band up that she completely refused to accept this challenging task. Instead of accepting, it was a boon that she has squared her winsome life by notorious and nefarious people of the society. She has carte Blanche whether to refuse jirga’s decision or accept. a girl, being educated and seasoned, has to know how to tackle these chaotic and rage? How to distinguish things smartly? What to apt herself? The forceful conversion context is completely prohibited under a provision of Pakistan and international law. It must be considered an egregious crime. Furthermore, Pakistan’s democracy has been demolished and changed into feudalism. In today’s era, this incident has been given solid testimony that “Feudalism is a democracy of Pakistan, which not only kills infrastructure of democracy but also devours the judiciary of Pakistan where Rule of law is completely absent. Feudalism is a baneful system in this society that creates some ripples and disruption towards propitious life. It not only devours life but also your culture of life to live further in that monstrous world.
Needless to say, Pakistan has been faced with many quagmire situations since independence. Feudalism is also one of the hot and heavy issues of those. Which has been ramped up in Pakistan at the perks. There are a multitude of people who are living under the hefty duress of Jirga. The word “Jirga” devastates the Rule of law and democracy in this society. It refrains penury people from meeting and procuring their rudimentary rights accommodation of life and repercussions. As per law, slavery is an outrageous crime under domestic and international law.
In a nutshell, Rape and murder are all the rage in Pakistan that’s why everyone tries to taste in diverse forms. One tries to meet under compulsion and the other one tries to satisfy his wishes and whims under the freedom of the Jirga. These two situations are clashing and controversial in the history of Pakistan. Nevertheless, those laws which have been approved and passed by parliament, haven’t been implemented yet. All legal instruments are in the same margin as usual. In Pakistan, there is a slogan of Jirga. There is a huge of slavery, especially it is hardly the situation for women. We wish it could be wiped off by taking effective action of concerned officials, otherwise, Pakistani people meet injustice ahead.

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