

By: Muhammad Amir Qureshi

When Prime Minister Imran Khan describes inflation as a global problem and uses words like “what can the government do”, the point is only to point out the severity of the challenge. The world has always been prone to change and in today’s fast-paced geostrategic change it is not uncommon to expect any crisis, problem, difficulty or disaster at any moment. New challenges, including the effects of global warming, are emerging. As far as tackling these challenges by one or the other government is concerned, the concept of state and government is based on providing the people with security, facilities and basic necessities of life in a timely manner. Governments are formed in order to maintain order in society, especially in democracies. Ordinary people vote to elect their representatives or rulers based on the confidence that they are capable of establishing the best governance under normal circumstances. And have the ability to find solutions to problems, even in the most extreme situations. Therefore, wherever people face problems, including the beloved homeland, not only do they have the right to express themselves, but they also have the confidence that the government will deal with the problem amicably. The strategy by which the current government has largely controlled the economy and public health during the Corona crisis has been widely praised around the world. As is clear from the Prime Minister’s speeches and statements, However, with the help of friendly countries like China and Saudi Arabia and difficult decisions of the government, the economy has started to improve but the crisis caused by the biggest crisis of the century like Corona and global recession has worried the people. Who is Addressing the inaugural session of the 14th International Chambers Summit in Islamabad on Tuesday, Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated that Pakistan is still a very cheap country compared to other countries in the region. In this regard, comparisons of prices of various items have been offered by the Prime Minister and government circles. Whether things are expensive or cheap is related to statistics to some extent. But the main reliance is on per capita income, resources, wealth, employment, oil, gas, gold, silver, platinum and many other things including production technology, education. In countries with relatively good economies, including India, Bangladesh and the West, higher rates of inflation have led to less increase in people’s hardships and where people’s purchasing power is less, it is natural to feel more hardships. According to the government, the current rise in commodity prices is temporary. The situation will improve once the supply is restored. Describing the state of Madinah as a role model, he reiterated his commitment to the struggle for the rule of law, eradication of corruption and justice, and said that he was striving to improve the conditions of the downtrodden. He rightly pointed out that there is a need to promote tax culture in Pakistan. To this end, people need to be provided with incentives and incentives and the tax system needs to be simplified to remove the complexities that allow some black sheep among government officials to commit corruption and reduce tax collection. Not only this, selection, training and performance in all fields will have to be made more standard.

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