Fiza Ameer

Dr. Sikandar Mandhro; a real hero of poor people

By: Dr. Fiza Ameer Mandhro

Dr Sikander Mandhro was born on 7th of July 1943 in village Mattaro Mandhro , Golarchi. His father, Tharoo Khan Mandhro, has his roots linked to Tajjan Mandhro , one of the ruler of Mughal Dynasty.

Dr Sikander Mandhro’s early education was from Akri and seerani and higher secondary education from Noor Muhammad high school , Hyderabad. Later he did Mbbs from LUMHS jamshoro and started practice in Badin City.

In 1972 He married to Dr Khalida Sikander in 1972, and have 2 kids , Zakrya Mandhro, working at Google and Umaima Mandhro , founder on Oneleague University.

Dr Sikander Mandhro started His political Career with PPP and was a great supporter of Zulfiqar Bhutto. He remained loyal to PPP from Zulfiqar Bhutto’s time to that of Bilawal Bhutto. He have been MPA for 5 times on the seats of provincial assembly. He faced tough times and exile to Saudi for 10years because of Zia ul Haq. . Dr Mandhro’s wife has also been PPP Ladies Wing Badin’s first President. Dr Sikander also remained president of PPP Badin even before and after exile and was removed after Benazir’s death.
In 1994 under Syed Abdullah Shah’s time he became Minister of corporate and later In 2013 he became Minister of Law and Heath, and senator in 2018.

Dr Sikander contested 3times for election from Golarchi in 1990 . Once he was defeated by Ismail Rahoo and Jam Sadaq arrested him in a case, and second time In 1993 he won from Ismail Rahoo .

1997 , he won elections rom Raes Nabi bux bhurgri ‘s daughter Kehkashan bhurghri and 6times times he became MPA by winning from Saeen bux jamali, arbab ghulam Raheem and fehmida Mirza ‘s brother Qazi Amjad .

Dr Sikander was well known for his decency , education and loyalty . He was expert in history, religion , environment sciences and even he had commad on Arabic language. He used to write in Kawash too . He fought for many rights of people of Badin. He formed Indus hospital , benazir park , public college , roads , jobs and many such things to be worth remembered in hearts of people of badin. After Zulfiqar Bhutto’s death Benazir came first time to his home at Badin.
Badin can now rarely get such decent respectful and noble leader like Dr Sikander mandhro .

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