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Drug murder case ends, details of spying for women, criminal details revealed

Details of the Code of Criminal Procedure have been revealed.

According to the amendment, the medical board will include a psychologist for the examination of the accused, a graduation degree is mandatory for the SHO and where the burden of cases is high the SHOSP rank will be.

According to the proposed criminal amendment rules, the identity card and bank accounts of the accused accused will be blocked while carrying weapons in the procession will not be allowed. If dissatisfied with the inquiry, further or further investigation will be called. According to the amendment, criminal trial will be held in 9 months, every month the High Court will have to submit a progress report, Sessions Court up to Rs. Can be fined and the trial court will have to explain to the High Court if the trial is not completed within 9 months; more time will be given if the trial court explanation is acceptable.

The bill also added that an audio video recording of witnesses’ statements would be made in the trial court; recording would be used if witnesses disagreed with the transcript of the statement. While witnesses abroad can also record the statement in the presence of the authorized officer.

Suggest up to 7 years sentence for illegal police detention
According to the amendment, the trial court will not be allowed for more than three days in criminal cases. The reasons given for the delay of more than three days will be given to the trial court.

In addition, criminal reforms have proposed the abolition of death sentences in drug cases and it is stated that instead of the death sentence, the offender will be sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison.

The Railway Act also proposed to abolish the death sentence while the imprisonment for illegal police custody was suggested for 7 years and for abduction it was also proposed to impose a sentence of 7 years.

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