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Gazans start dying of diseases amid heaviest-ever Israeli bombing

In the war-ravaged Gaza Strip, doctors are facing a critical situation. Not only are they dealing with war-related injuries, but also an influx of patients suffering from illnesses caused by overcrowding and unsanitary conditions in shelters due to the heaviest-ever Israeli bombing. The crisis has been exacerbated by the displacement of over 1.4 million people, leading to severe overcrowding in temporary shelters.

Humanitarian Concerns and Strain on Healthcare System

Humanitarian organizations have long expressed concerns about an imminent public health crisis in this densely populated Palestinian region. The ongoing Israeli blockade has led to scarcity in essential resources such as electricity, clean water, and fuel, with limited food and medical aid entering the area. The situation has put immense pressure on the healthcare system, with hospitals running out of fuel for generators, risking the functionality of crucial medical equipment like incubators.

Hospitals on the Brink of Collapse

The situation has pushed Gaza’s hospitals to the brink of collapse. More than 60% of the population in Gaza relied on food aid even before the recent Israeli bombing campaign began. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that a third of Gaza’s hospitals were not operational, and medical centers were forced to suspend their services due to the ongoing bombardment and displacement. The lack of resources and the relentless bombing have left medical facilities struggling to cope.

Escalating Casualties and Humanitarian Crisis

The casualties in Gaza continue to rise, with hundreds of Palestinians, including children and women, losing their lives in Israeli strikes. The conflict has led to the destruction of homes and vital infrastructure, forcing over a million residents to seek shelter elsewhere. The United Nations and aid agencies have pleaded for supplies to be allowed in, emphasizing the looming humanitarian catastrophe.

International Response and Concerns

Internationally, there have been appeals for restraint and a ceasefire. Former U.S. President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the human costs of the conflict, urging Israel to avoid civilian casualties to prevent long-term consequences. Despite these appeals, there is no immediate prospect of a ceasefire, and the conflict shows no signs of abating.

Economic and Regional Impact

The war between Israel and Hamas not only has devastating humanitarian consequences but also threatens global economic development. The president of the World Bank highlighted the serious impact on economic development, emphasizing the precarious situation the world faces. Amidst these challenges, fears of a regional conflict are escalating, creating a stark contrast to the vision of stability and prosperity in the Middle East.

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