Von Der Leyen

842 EU Staffers Accuse von der Leyen of Turning Blind Eye to Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

In the letter signed by 842 individuals and circulated among diplomats and staff at the European Commission and other EU bodies, criticism was leveled against the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen. The letter accused her of allowing what was perceived as a war crime in the Gaza Strip by providing what the signatories considered an unconditional backing to Israel without consultations with EU member states.

The letter initially condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel but went on to strongly condemn what the writers deemed a disproportionate reaction by the Israeli government against the 2.3 million Palestinian civilians in Gaza. They accused von der Leyen of employing a double standard, citing her alleged dismissal of Israel’s blockade preventing water and fuel from reaching Gaza, while describing a similar action by Russia as “terror.” The signatories urged Brussels to utilize its influence to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the long-standing occupation and to demand the reinstatement of basic human rights and international law in Palestine. Some signatories expressed embarrassment over von der Leyen’s perceived support for actions they considered war crimes and criticized her departure from the values upon which the EU was founded.

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