
Riots in Washington, Trump supporters storm parliament, curfew imposed

Supporters of US President Donald Trump stormed Capitol Hill and broke through the security fence.

According to US media, a large number of supporters of US President Donald Trump broke through barriers and security fences and entered the Capitol Hill building in Washington.

What the police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, the demonstrators by police were also sprayed on the itch.

Several policemen were injured in the shooting death of a woman who was hospitalized but died while succumbed to injuries during clashes with protesters.

Washington imposes curfew
The Washington administration has called on the US government to impose a curfew and withdraw troops, but the Pentagon has denied the allegations.

Following the US government’s approval, a curfew has been imposed in Washington from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., while the Capitol Hill building has also been locked down.

The attack on Capitol Hill is the darkest day in American history: Joe Biden
US President-elect Joe Biden told the nation on the occasion that the violent demonstration outside the Capitol Hill building was not a reflection of American democracy. He was deeply saddened by today’s incident and damaged American democracy.

Joe Biden called the attack on the Capitol Hill building the darkest day in US history and called on President Trump to appear on state television to urge protesters to remain calm and to end the protests.

Love supporters, don’t take the law into your own hands: Trump
In response to the newly elected president’s call, US President Donald Trump called on the protesters to remain calm and disperse.

“I love my supporters, don’t take the law into your own hands and go home,” Trump said.

After the US president and his supporters were dispersed by the police fell silent streets evacuated from the building, protesters took control of Capitol Hill.

The perpetrators must be brought to justice: US Secretary of State
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement that “I believe in the fundamental right of every citizen to protest peacefully, but it is unacceptable for protesters to enter the Capitol Hill building to bring the perpetrators to justice.” Will be.

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