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Homage Paid to Sooraj Sujawali

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja

SUJAWAL: Speakers paid heartfelt homage to Sooraj Sujawali in a condolence reference organized by Sindhi Adabi Sangat Sujawal in the memory of Sooraj Sujawali who succumbed to the virulent disease earlier this month.
Addressing the condolence reference held at Abbas Malha Community Hall, the leader of PPP-SB Younous Bhan said that Sooraj’s vision for his people was as bright as his name and he kept struggling for them during his lifetime. Sooraj dedicated his life to the party in power but did not get anything in return for his peerless dedication towards the party.
Renowned poet Ayaz Ammar Sheikh said that Sooraj carried the legacy of his father who was a revolutionary poet. Sooraj was well aware of the problems being faced by the people and as a journalist raised their voice through his writings; he said.
President of Sindhi Adabi Sangat Thatta Chapter Ramzan Memon said that Sooraj was an active member of their literary organization who was always optimistic to work for the poets and writers of this area. It would be hard to elucidate Sooraj in a few words or a speech; his services were beyond pure words.
Paying a tearful tribute to his brother Dr. Usman Sarvech said that he had lost not only a brother but his ideal who always guided him during hard phases of life. He said that his personality was multidimensional and his determination towards the Pakistan People Party was exceptional. The participants at the reference earlier laid floral wreaths on the grave of the late poet and offered Fateh. Senior PPP leader Nisar Ahmed Khurro reached Sarvech Nagar to offer condolences to the family members of Sooraj Sujawali who was the Party,s district information Secretary. He said that PPP had lost a committed political worker who was an asset to the party.

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