Imran Russia

Imran Khan’s visit to Russia

By: Hameeda Lakhiar

Although Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Russia was pre-planned, according to the schedule, the Pakistani ruler, who is supposed to step on Russian soil in the cold and blizzard of Moscow at 6pm on Wednesday, seems to have power over that regional and Something about the global status quo is something that these days, not just Russia and Ukraine, is visible in the name of tension in the two blocks. In the wake of the escalating situation for some time, the French and German counterparts have visited Moscow, which resulted in reduced tensions and the possibility of meeting Russian and US presidents, but in the eastern part of Ukraine, Donetsk and Things have been going awry since Lansing’s announcement. After discussing with the Ukrainian president, US President Joe Biden telephoned his French and German counterparts. The reaction of the Polish Prime Minister, the European Union Head and the British Prime Minister has come to light in this regard, while the prospects of holding a Putin Biden conference through French efforts are still at stake. On the other hand, global oil prices have reached $ 100 in the global market following the announcement of sanctions on Moscow. In this scenario of global civilization and opposition in the homeland, in the wake of announcements such as dissatisfaction and long marches, some observers believe that the Prime Minister of Pakistan should postpone his visit to Russia. The acquaintances of nature, who have been overcome by the challenges of their time on the schedule, are not exactly correcting their visit to Russia; He says Imran Khan’s visit is a reflection of the foreign strategy of establishing mutual interest relations with world powers. Prime Minister Imran Khan Azzam is the tenth Pakistani ruler in Moscow who will certainly meet with Russian President Putin on world issues. All of them, including Russia, China and the United States, are aware of their mutual interest-based relations without any block or part of the new Cold War. In interviews and earlier statements given to Russian TV, he continued to call for resolving all disputes, including Kashmir and Ukraine, peacefully and invited Indian Prime Minister Modi to debate. His meeting with Russian President Putin eliminates the possibility of being a game changer in all likelihood of making this Troika via Russia’s involvement in the proposed PSGP project methodology, bilateral trade volume enhancement measures, and C-PAC. Can not be said Imran Khan strongly believes that the conflict should be resolved peacefully and in this regard he would certainly like to play a role in the Ukraine-Ukraine issue, but since the first day of his assumption of power, India’s Kashmir problem has been peaceful. Have been inviting us to resolve this issue as well. The benefit of world peace lies in the fact that the international community is eager to support them in this regard. The Afghan issue has been working closely with Islamabad, Moscow, Beijing and Washington on the threat posed by regional peace. There is still much work to be done in this chapter. If precautions are taken before global tragedies take place, it may be possible to avoid losses or reduce their volume.

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