
India exposed: Ban on Muslim girls’ hijab

By: Summaya Ali

A shocking example of how the BJP, the ruling party of extremist Hindus led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has made life difficult for Muslims in India came to light yesterday in the state of Karnataka where Muslim students in educational institutions Hijab has been banned. A Muslim student was first barred from entering the college wearing a burqa and then the next day the student came wearing a smiling hijab. Grow up Instead of being afraid of them, the courageous student shouted Takbir and kept moving towards the class, constantly shouting Allahu Akbar. The assailants themselves became frightened. Protests against the incident took place in several cities of the state and the state government had to close educational institutions for three days due to the tense situation. This is not the first case of its kind. Extremist Hindus continue to harass Muslim students in several states, including Karnataka, against which Muslims are protesting. The Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind has announced a reward of Rs 500,000 for the courage to smile. Surprisingly, the international community, which under the influence of Muslim phobia targets Muslims at the slightest provocation, has not been touched by the Indian government’s hostility towards Muslims. That is why mosques are being martyred in India under the auspices of the Indian government. The lives of Muslims have been devoured and Islamic rites are being insulted but the United Nations and other international bodies are not even taking notice. The government should raise its voice at the international level against this biased campaign in the light of Pak-India agreements and use all possible means to stop it.

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