Kashmir Issue

India’s denial of right to self-determination; cause of Kashmir dispute

By: Arshad Sagar Gopang
Kashmir conflict is Territorial conflict over the Kashmir region primarily between Pak and India.
Since 1947 Pakistan and India have fought four wars on Kashmir. Where lot of people lost their lives many of became homeless due to wars. India occupied Kashmir in 1948 and since then she has been oppressing over Kashmiri people.
India always ahead in the starting of war in 1965 India crossed international border and attacked Azad Kashmir and many other areas of Pakistan. In 1965 war both countries lost many lives and other precious things. 1971 and 1999 wars were also over Kashmir Issue but UNO could not solve this issue.
This Issue is biggest issue of the world. This issue can  lead both the countries towards atomic war and many countries can come in the danger of this war.

Denial of right to self-determination is the main cause of Kashmir dispute. Kashmiris have the right to decide about their future but India does not seem to give this basic human right to the people of Kashmir.
World powerful nations can solve this Kashmir issue and bring India to the table talk .
If they do not do this that world will face many disasters. Because this issue may  lead the region to  another world war as  both the countries are nuclear Powers.
India does not understand a simple thing that if the issue of  Kashmir is solved then both the countries can progress well in all the fields of  field.
We hope that UNO and other powerful countries will play good role in solving  this issue and to settle peace between two countries.

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