
Iran becomes al-Qaeda’s new base and Afghanistan, US Secretary of State

WASHINGTON :US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Iran has become a new base for al-Qaeda, more dangerous than the base of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and Iran has now become Afghanistan, where most of al-Qaeda’s leadership is present Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington on Tuesday, he said al-Qa’eda’s deputy leader Abu Muhammad al-Masri had been killed in Iran, but did not say whether al-Masri had been killed in an Israeli attack. The senior leaders of the terrorist group had taken refuge in their homes, where they sat and planned attacks against the United States and its allies. On the other hand, US Secretary of State Muhammad Jawad Zarif has denied Mike Pomero’s allegations and tried them. Has claimed that none of the terrorists who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, had any ties to Iran, while the United States

The foreign minister has announced that al-Qaeda leader Muhammad Abbas alias Abdul Rahman al-Maghribi and Sultan Yusuf Hassan al-Arif have been declared special global terrorists.

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