
Moral degradation in educational institutions

By: Muhammad Saifullah Baloch

In a private university in Islamabad, a question paper has come to the fore in recent days, which has once again sparked the debate that after all, our social values are repeatedly attacked in view of the objectives. The sacred relationship of siblings. The filth with which they have tried to present it to the youth of the nation is not only an attack on our social values, but it is also the first step towards deviating from Islamic teachings. Some of Pakistan’s private educational institutions set their policies like camels and now such incidents have started happening frequently, with which a deliberate attempt is being made to turn the young generation away from religion and rebel against social traditions. Pakistani society is based on Islamic teachings and Islamic teachings are not only clear but also practical in every respect. There is a clear plan of action in Islamic teachings for all social problems. Be it the training of children or respect for parents, respect for teachers or training of students, our social traditions and Islamic teachings are very clear in all matters. However, it is a sad fact that the most neglected sector in Pakistan is the education sector. This attitude of ours has been going on for the last 70 years without distinction. Inattention to educational matters has been the problem of every ruler. An important ministry like education remained with people who had nothing to do with education. The result of this is that not only the academic situation in the educational institutions of Pakistan is very poor, but also there is no example of moral depravity. The higher level universities, whether they are private or public, are in the same condition with very minor differences. Education has become more of a business than a mission and sometimes all boundaries are crossed to meet business demands. The Higher Education Commission was established to regulate higher level universities. Its responsibility was to ensure quality in higher education as well as research, maintain discipline among universities and maintain their inter-connections. But when we talk about the quality of education, unfortunately, it has to be said that one of the 500 universities of the world may have the name of one of Pakistan’s universities. This attitude of inattention towards education has not only made the education sector suffer but also the students graduating from here are not succeeding to become useful citizens for the society. The quality of research has gone down and new scandals come to light every day. Our “research papers” are not getting universal recognition. Our ruling class no matter which party it belongs to has a step-mother attitude towards education. Some money is allocated for education in the budget but that too mostly for non-developmental expenses. A deep wound has been inflicted on the education system, and the sad fact is that there is no disciplined system of teacher training. Never seen. All sections of the society should sit together on this serious situation. Education should also have a prominent place in the priorities of the authorities. There must be some form of mutual connection between teachers and parents. Up to the level of schools. So parental counseling is organized in one way or another but there is no such system at the level of universities. Islamic teachings should be taken into consideration in order to set the curriculum and western traditions should be included in the curriculum during education. Instead, the traditions connected to our land should be made a part of the curriculum. If imitation of the West If it has to be done, why not do it in the field of research, in the field of authoring and compilation, some significant work should be done, in inventions, the performance of agricultural research institutions should also be seen. The role of institutions is very sad. Victims of moral and intellectual degradation, when young people take degrees from our universities and enter the field, they have everything at their feet except knowledge and good morals. When you talk to them academically, their condition looks very thin. We should never forget that Pakistan is an Islamic democratic country. It has its own social values and traditions. Administrators, examiners and teachers of educational institutions should not forget the fact that any action that is against our teachings and local traditions. It should not be encouraged. Government agencies that are responsible for monitoring educational institutions should keep an eye on such matters and discourage such activities that are against Islamic traditions. Although the management of the above-mentioned university, which was mentioned at the beginning of the column, has fired the people guilty of this negligence, there is a need to tie a band of ideas in front of this thought that can lead the new generation to rebel against Islamic traditions. .

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