
Pakistan’s big cities and pollution

By: Imran Khan

According to the latest global survey report, the rise of Lahore and Karachi, two major cities and provincial capitals of Pakistan, among the most polluted cities in the world, respectively, is a moment of reflection for the nation in general and the concerned authorities in particular. According to the report, the amount of polluted particles in the air of Lahore was 368 while 197 nucleate meters were recorded in Karachi. At the national level, the report not only includes Lahore and Karachi, but also the list of the 50 most polluted cities in Pakistan with 9 cities belonging to the provinces of Punjab, KP and Sindh, while Lahore and Karachi are called the metropolitan cities of the country. There are regular departments and agencies working for health and hygiene. According to geologists, the rate of trees and vegetables in urban populations must be at least 16% of the total area, which is an average of 2% in Pakistan and is declining due to inattention. In this regard, it is also a matter of concern for us that our dear country is not included in the list of 50 cleanest cities in the world, even though the federal capital Islamabad, which is considered as one of the most modern cities in the world, is only a part of it. Cleanliness is limited. PTI has come to power with the determination to make the country green and this agenda is also being worked on. Yet in dozens of cities across the country, including provincial capitals like Karachi and Lahore, where environmental and ground pollution is playing havoc with the health of citizens, gastrointestinal, respiratory and liver diseases are also on the rise. Provincial authorities should consider this a challenge and make arrangements to address it.

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