
Secret of intelligent students’ high performance

Every student wants to perform at their best, but some succeed and some fail. Some students are not interested in studies due to which they do not perform well while some do not achieve the expected results even after working hard.

In fact, there are some special secrets to studying for intelligent and reading students, by following which they succeed in any exam with high marks. They do not spend their days and nights waiting for the exams to come and then they start preparing, but they focus on their studies on a daily basis.

Whether you want to take any exam, whether it is Matric, Intermediate, Graduation, Master’s degree or O Level, A Level or English exam, making the study a part of your temperament to achieve each one ensures success and achievement. Makes

There are many tried and tested textbooks to arouse interest in, but considering the functioning of the human brain, scientific research-based study tips will not only relieve you of the fear of failing exams, but will also help you count your school, college and It will also start happening among the bright students of the university.

These tips will prove to be the chemical recipe for your success in the field of education as well as keep you close to the enchanting informational world of books as an intelligent and active reader in extracurricular studies. Let’s unveil the secrets of reading.

Think positive about yourself

It is said that every human being is a reflection of his own thinking. We do as we think and the same principle applies to study. Before you start studying, convince yourself that you are wise. In this way you will confidently embark on a new journey of awareness.

What do wise people do?

Wise people always keep their minds open for new ideas. They have innovative and unique thinking. Always thinking of a new idea. You have to adopt the same style.

Standing up to study

It is said that you can read up to 10% more information by standing up. This is because more blood reaches your brain when you stand up.

Excessive use of water

Our brains are 70% water, but most people do not drink enough water. Whether it is hot or cold, make it a habit to drink as much water as possible, especially a glass of water. Some students consume coffee and popcorn while studying, but it causes dehydration and evaporation in their brain, so they should drink at least eight glasses of water per day according to their body weight.

Study strategy

Study strategy is the most important way to achieve secondary success. Set your goals and write them down. If you don’t write them down, all of your goals will not have a clear impression on your mind and they will be limited to desires. Students should write down all the subjects that are being taught at your educational institution on paper, you should write your grades in each class. Paste it in a place in the house where you can look at it while sitting up so that your mind does not deviate from the study goals.

Picture of study in mind

Close your eyes and free your mind to think of a picture of the subject. It is an interesting fact that your mind sees words in the form of pictures instead of static ones. He transforms ideas into images and transforms them into reality. For him, the word ‘lion’ has no meaning, but he is attracted to the image of the lion. Words can be symbols but not images. The image leaves its mark on the memory for a long time.

Exercise while studying

Move yourself while studying. This movement keeps your mind sharp. An easy way to do this is to stand up and lift your right hand and touch your left ankle, then lift your left hand and touch your right ankle. But remember that the knee should not bend during this process. Repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times.

This simple gesture refreshes your mind as you read. Whenever you feel drowsy while reading, get up and refresh your mind while walking in the room or doing the above exercises.

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