
Seven qualities of a good teacher

By: Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti

After the more research on the profession of teaching and getting experience of it myself .
I concluded some qualities which make a teacher attractive makes a teacher best. I write these qualities in the shape of P alphabet.
A great teacher should be a good presentator .Do you know what is the work of a teacher?
Actually the work of a teacher is to present, no matter what he is presenting but it does matter how he is presenting .Because presentation skill is a basic quality of a teacher.
A good teacher should be a good player. Player means not a sports player ,but player means he should good in all life strategies, the work of a teacher is to make the students a good player in all life skills. A good teacher teaches the students at student level not a teacher level.
A teacher should be punctual; do you know where from a student learn? A student learns from a teacher so, If a teacher is punctual than students will be punctual. We observe in our daily routine that if a teacher for five minute then student also late for ten minute. So, If teacher will punctual than student will also.
A best teacher should be best producer. Because the work of a teacher is to make the students well educated, rather than well trained. Producer mean a teacher should make a student creative.
A teacher should be a good planner. A teacher should know how to plan the events which come in daily routine, because from the planning of teacher student will learn.
A best teacher should powerful in knowledge. Because the work of naughty students is extra questioning to tease the teacher, if a teacher not able to answering the students, students will get another chance to tease the teacher. Instead of this if a student get two answer of a single question from a teacher; he will respect the teacher because of the teacher’s powerful knowledge.
The best quality of a best teacher is patience. Do you know what major difference between teacher and students is? A student is always mistaker and a best teacher always show patience own students mistakes. If teacher has no quality of patience, he will misbehave with students own students mistakes and students will learn this misbehave from teacher and do same with others. So, best teacher should have best quality of patience.

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