
Educational institutions closed, now online studies

By: Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti

The federal and provincial governments have unanimously agreed to re-educate in the wake of the second wave of corona virus, which is being described as more dangerous than the first, out of control. It has taken the extreme step of closing down institutions that were necessary to save the lives of young students from this deadly epidemic. According to experts, December and January will be the peak months of Corona and the situation is expected to worsen depending on the severity of the disease and the number of patients. Therefore, as a precaution, a meeting of provincial education ministers chaired by Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood unanimously decided that universities, colleges, schools, tuition centers and religious schools across the country would remain closed from Thursday, November 26 to December 24. Then there will be winter holidays from December 25 to January 10 and all educational institutions will open on January 11, but before that another meeting of education ministers will be held in the first week of January to review the situation in Corona. Vocational centers that do not have daily classes will remain open. Exams have also been postponed. However, entry level examinations are normal

Will continue according to It has also been decided that online education will continue at home during the closure of educational institutions and where there is no online system, teachers will give homework. 50% of teachers in Punjab will come to schools on Monday and 50% on Thursday to stay in touch with their institutions. To protect small private schools from financial loss, loans will be provided on easy terms from banks, the interest of which will be paid by the federal government. The Prime Minister has convened a meeting of the National Coordinating Committee on Corona Virus in which besides giving final approval to the closure of educational institutions, important decisions including smart lockdown will be taken in view of the general epidemic situation in the country. The decision of the education ministers regarding the educational institutions is certainly the right decision against the backdrop of the destruction of the second wave of Corona in the country and then all over the world, but the students have already suffered a lot. Create an effective and integrated system to avoid further damage so that the next generation is not deprived of real education. Corona’s situation is that its positive case rate in educational institutions reached 2.8% as against 46.7% nationwide on Monday. During this time, 2,756 new patients emerged and 39 patients died. A survey of 196 countries shows that 1.4 million people have died so far, more than 260,000 of them in the United States. The death toll in India is more than 140,000. Attempts are being made to develop a vaccine to treat the epidemic, but so far not a single vaccine has been found to be 100 percent effective and about 90 percent are claimed to be effective. “They are so expensive that the poor can’t even imagine buying them. That’s why the World Health Organization has warned pharmaceutical companies to refrain from vaccinating the poor. In Pakistan, the government has made advance arrangements for the purchase of vaccines, which have not yet been successful. In such a situation, Prime Minister Imran Khan has given the right advice to the people not to miss the precautionary measure to avoid Corona.

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