Oic A

OIC- Condemns Israeli aggression and that’s all

By: Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti

To me the existence of OIC has always remained a mystery. When ever anything wrong happens to Muslims, eventually they look towards OIC but they have never received any positive signals for it. If we have a look over the recent OIC meeting which held over the recent situation of Palestine then we will feel nothing but shame.  .

Israel’s crimes against humanity should not escape accountability and called for immediate steps to stop the ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people and their properties. It is imperative that the international community protect the Palestinians against the blatant and illegal use of force and flagrant violations of human rights. It should urgently intervene and take concerted actions to stop Israeli atrocities against civilian population in Gaza. The bombardment in Gaza must be stopped immediately.

It is both critical and urgent that the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council be implemented forthwith. Israel’s crimes against humanity should not escape accountability. There should be no impunity for Israel’s violation of international law, including the Fourth Geneva and the other various human rights Conventions. Attempts to silence media and reporting, through tyranny, evident from Israel’s horrifying air strike yesterday, bringing down a high rise building in Gaza that housed media outlets is unacceptable.

But OIC limits itself as usual to the issuance of a statement condemning Israeli  aggression and that’s all. shame on you all the members of OIC.


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