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Child Rights Advocacy Network vows to secure the rights of the children.

By: Adeel Alvi
SHIKARPUR: The representatives of at least 34 social organizations vowed to secure the rights of the children in the monthly meeting held at the office of the Legal Rights Forum, here on Saturday.

The leaders of social organizations including Pervaiz Abro, Zahid Abro, Ayaz Soomro, Riaz Bhayo, and others expressed their great reservations over increasing incidents of abuse in Shikarpur adding which incidents would not be tolerated at any cost, however, leaders were optimist that they would conduct meeting with line departments in the ongoing month and would secure the rights of the children and play their role to chalk out a plan to mitigate the incidents of abuse with children for the welfare of the bights future of the children.
Ms. Sobia Qazi, Jalaluddin Jamali, Sadam Shah, Riasat Shah, Irslan Memon and others participated and ensured the leaders to play their role in the issue.

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