
Choked drainage outfalls would trigger flooding during monsoon; fear Growers

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja

THATTA: The desilting and digging of sim nullahs and drainage outfalls in Thatta could not be carried out for the last 15 years, due to that sim nullahs in different areas of the district have started flowing in reverse posing a threat of flooding during the upcoming monsoon season.
Residents of the villages under threat of inundation revealed that the budget issued by Sida- Sindh Irrigation and drainage authority for the desilting and digging work was not utilized properly only a few outfalls were desilted last year to show the high ups that some work is being done.
Around 23 outfalls and Sim Nullahs including R. Drain Pir Patho, Ghora Bari Drain, Ochatto Out Fall Drain, Sakro Out Fall Drain, Galmanda Drain, and Chilya Drain were completely choked and flowing in reverse. The local Abadgars and residents of the village situated alongside these drains feared that if desilting, de-weeding, and digging of these drains and Sin Nullahs were not carried out well in time it will cause inundation of several villages and farmlands in the area during the forthcoming monsoon season.
While talking to this correspondent Dost Ali Jakhro a local grower said that following non-maintenance of outfalls and Sim Nullahs the local growers of district Thatta had to face huge economic loss as their farmlands met inundation during monsoon rain every year. Adding further he said that it was high time to carry out maintenance work of drains and nullahs or else they would be facing similar situations this year as well.
Another Abadgar Sabu Palijo said that; The elected representatives of the district were well aware of the looming issue despite that they had not taken steps to do away with that.
The local Abadgars and inhabitants of the villages alongside outfalls and Sim Nullahs believe that if timely measures were not taken their farmlands and villages would come under water during the monsoon.

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