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Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandviwala erupted against NAB

Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandiwala erupted against the NAB in the Senate session.

Speaking in the Senate session, Saleem Mandiwala said that the chairman NAB should come to the Senate and our committee and tell them who is blackmailing them. Chairman NAB, tell me who is blackmailing them and making them do wrong things.

He said that NAB would have to stay out of business otherwise it would be more difficult to do business in the country.

He further said that NAB has finally filed a reference against me. On December 29, NAB released the news that the reference was filed. When asked, it was said that the reference has not been filed yet. Get done

Deputy Chairman NAB said that we have stopped the FBR from going into the accounts of the people, this is what NAB is doing today, NAB infiltrates into the accounts of every man, SBP is a hostage, no one’s account is safe in the country. This is a very dangerous process. Parliament should meet NAB victims and stop NAB from making mistakes otherwise SBP, SECP will be wiped out.

He said that the institutions say that NAB should be taken out of our work, legislation related to NAB should be enacted. I am getting messages that if you speak, we will make further inquiries. If you make inquiries, I will speak more. We will hold a press conference on Saturday, NAB victims will also come with us.

He said that what is the objection of the government to hold NAB accountable, DG NAB Rawalpindi Irfan Mangi’s family lives outside, why can’t we check how Mangi’s family can afford to stay outside, until NAB declares assets in Parliament. If not, our struggle will continue.

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