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Donkey Cart Driver Tortured Publicly By Influential Landlord

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja

A donkey cart driver meted out brutal torture by an influential landlord of the area here on Wednesday on failing to pay the amount of money he had borrowed from the landlord a few months ago to make both end meet.
The donkey cart driver Liaqat Narejo was picked up by the goons of an influential landlord from outside his house a couple of days ago.
According to onlookers the influential landlord along with his goons after tying him with an electricity pole near the main bus stop of the Sujawal town started thrashing him ruthlessly. No one from the crowd that had gathered there cropped up to offer any resistance against the act of ferocity.
A Police team reached there, after the video of torture went viral on social media and arrested the landlord and his henchmen but later released them after the palm of SHO was reportedly greased with a hefty amount.
The condition of the victim on the other hand started deteriorating who was shifted to the Civil hospital in Sujawal where his condition was stated to be stable.
The relatives of the victim protesting outside the Sujawal press club said that the victim was the sole breadwinner for his family and was afflicted with the respiratory disease despite that he was working hard to make both ends meet.
They demanded Inspector general Sindh and Chief Minister Sindh to take notice of the incident.

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