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Federal Government resorting to non-democratic ways: Sayas Shehla Raza

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja

THATTA: Provincial Minister for Women Development Syeda Shehla Raza has said that the Pakistan Peoples Party government is making concerted efforts to redress grievances of masses who have given the mandate and reposed their trust in the party. She shared these views while holding an open Kachehri at Makli Gymkhana Thatta along with  special assistant to CM Javed Nayyab Laghari.
People from different parts of district Thatta had converged there in the sweltering heat and suffocating atmosphere with the hope that their grievances would be addressed and they would get some relief.
Issues of different areas about the poor infrastructure of roads, water scarcity, maintenance of outfalls, shortage of medicine in the hospitals, the open sale of drugs, dilapidated school buildings, and poor law and order situation were brought to the fore in the open Kachehri.
The Provincial Minister expressed her dissatisfaction over the performance of the concerned departments in the district and said that strong action would be taken against those officials who had taken the core issues of people for granted adding that the officials in these departments were meant to serve people.
Javed Nayyab Laghari directed SSP Thatta Imran Khan to take effective measures for controlling the open sale of drugs in the district and for better law and order situation.
“Incidents of domestic violence are increasing in Sindh that is making this society more vulnerable and unsafe for women, all issues of women should be resolved on priority; said, Shehla Raza.
She said that these Kachehris were the democratic way of hearing the issues of common folk and remaining connected with them but unfortunately the Federal government had so far resorted to non-democratic ways throughout its tenure and the sacking of 16000 workers was a recent example of it.
Talking about the rights of journalists she said that journalists were an integral part of our society and usurpation of their rights would create chaos in the society. If journalists were allowed to work with independence they could contribute to the progress of the country; she said.

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