Gaza Sss

Gaza death toll passes 8,000, with thousands feared buried under debris

The Gaza media office revealed on Sunday that around 10,000 Palestinians have either lost their lives or become trapped under debris since the initiation of Israeli attacks on October 7.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health has revised the death toll resulting from the continuous Israeli aggression to 8008. There are growing concerns about a significant rise in this number, given the fear that thousands might be buried beneath the rubble. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), expressed his distress after communicating with officials on the ground as communication was being restored in the region. He stated that families in Gaza are not safe. Hospitals in Gaza are currently overwhelmed with patients, indicating an urgent need for more medical supplies.

Additionally, Samar Abu Elouf, a photojournalist based in Gaza, shared a video on Instagram, explaining how Palestinians living near Gaza’s sea are relying on saltwater to meet their daily water requirements. This situation arose after Israel completely blockaded the Gaza Strip on October 9, prohibiting the entry of food and water. People are now forced to collect water from the sea for survival. While some are fortunate to live by the sea, those who do not face immense difficulty reaching it. What was once a source of entertainment and comfort has now become a vital resource for survival.

Moreover, the United Nations (UN) issued a warning on Sunday, stating that “civil order” in Gaza was deteriorating rapidly. Thousands of individuals ransacked UN food warehouses in the war-torn Palestinian territory. The UN Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) reported that essential supplies, including wheat and flour, were looted from several warehouses. UNRWA’s Gaza chief, Thomas White, expressed deep concern, noting that this incident signaled the breakdown of civil order after three weeks of war and a strict siege. One of the warehouses in the town of Deir al-Balah had stored humanitarian supplies from convoys that had started entering Gaza from Egypt on October 21.

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