
If the PDM resigns, I will hold elections, Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced on the threat of possible resignations from the opposition assemblies that he is more confident than the opposition. “If the PDM resigns, I will hold elections,” he said. But I know victory will be mine. There may be a foreign hand behind the opposition movement which is giving them confidence. There is a plan behind all this. The same thing was happening in Libya and Iraq. What is happening here in our country. It will be held in April 2021. We will abide by the decision of the High Court regarding the meetings. The biggest achievement of my government is planning. The previous governments have been going for new elections with a five-year development plan. If the Ministry of Petroleum moves a little from here to there, there is a loss. A model city with Karachi is also planned to be built on federal land. Bundle Island city will be built with a plan. PIA has made a business plan. 40 members occupy government lands: We need quality bureaucracy to develop tourism ‘Power sector is stuck in debt’ IMF people say increase electricity rates so that circular debt is reduced I said how to increase electricity rates in Pakistan are already quite high ‘Two companies to take over steel mill Talking to senior journalists on Tuesday, Imran Khan said, “We are now on the right track economically.” “The economy is on the right track and we will see an improvement soon,” he said. “I am more confident than the opposition. The opposition wants to confuse us who will resign. We will hold by-elections in this constituency.” Giving is the right of the opposition but apart from NRO and corruption, the government is ready to talk to the opposition. The demand of the opposition is only to eliminate the NAB. If I do this today, all these movements will end. But I will not do that at all. I will not give NRO. It will be a betrayal of the country. Corrupt political elite system is not allowed to run but this system will work. The Prime Minister said that civil-military relations are very good, we are on the same page. Imran Khan said that there may be some countries behind the opposition movement due to which the opposition is gaining confidence. He said that the alliance of some countries does not want to see Pakistan as strong. These countries want to do the same to Pakistan as Libya and Iraq and now these same countries want to weaken Saudi Arabia and Iran by conspiring to fight. There is a plan behind this whole process. Similarly, there is a source behind what is happening in Pakistan. He was asked that if a decision is taken against Hafeez Sheikh and he has to be fired, will you have to appoint a full time or elected finance minister? So the Prime Minister said that we will find a way, we have options. The Prime Minister said that the writ of the government is not weak, if we do anything, democracy and freedom of expression are in danger. Satisfied with the team? So he said that no one can be satisfied but now the system of punishment and retribution has started. Inshallah it will be better.
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