Data Science

Importance of data science in the 21st century

The abundance of data in the 21st century welcomes you. Data on people’s movements and likes or dislikes is being compiled somewhere and the result is coming to us in one way or another on mobile, computer or laptop. Even in offices, it seems that you are diving into the sea of ​​data and drowning.

In addition, thousands of tweets, photo posts on Instagram, new posts on Facebook, emails and Skype calls are made every second. More than 50,000 gigabytes of Internet traffic is used every second. Every second Google searches and YouTube views thousands of videos. The total number of websites in the world is close to two billion, which is constantly increasing with each passing moment.

Ability to store global data

Scientists have tried to find out the extent to which man can store a lot of information in the world. A report published in the journal Science estimated that by 2020, the storage capacity of data centers around the world would reach 44,800 exabytes. According to Dr. Martin Hilbert, a scientist at the University of Southern California, if we took all the information today and put it in books, the stockpile of these books would be as big as the United States or China.

Computer data storage has traditionally been measured in kilobytes, then in megabytes and gigabytes, now in terabytes, petabytes and exabytes. One exabyte is equal to one billion gigabytes. Researchers also say that if the information is stored on CDs, the stockpile of CDs will reach beyond the moon.

User data on websites

Facebook, Google, Amazon and Twitter also store user data and this is a common practice for technology companies. There are also Like and Share buttons on Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn Internet pages, while Google’s analytics system is similar to Facebook’s. The majority of social networking companies on the Internet use consumer information to make better advertising choices.
Understanding data

Data science has emerged as a regular academic subject, as mentioned, a person who dives into the sea of ​​data will have to understand it and make business, economic and social decisions in the light of its results. Data science is a combination of mathematics and economics, through which it is possible to analyze statistics. Due to the rapid flow of information online, the field of data science will become very important in the coming days.

Google ‘Data Lee’ app

Datally, Google’s smart and simple Android app, helps smartphone users understand, control and save mobile data. Data Lee simplifies the use of data, a major problem for smartphone users around the world. Google, after conducting a comprehensive study of smartphone users around the world, found that the biggest problem for many smartphone users is data loss.

This is a very important issue for this new generation of online users called Next Billion Users. Not only are these smartphone users constantly worried about their data balance, but they also do not understand where and how their data is being used, nor do they rely on the allocation of data for these apps. Can control, which they really need but do not understand.

Big data

The world of big data is expected to reach a staggering 163 petabytes, or 163 trillion gigabytes, by 2025. Now the question is how big is a zeta byte? Estimate that a zetabyte can store about 2 billion years of music. There are a lot of ideas and ideas for implementing big data, but working and analyzing big data is still usually very difficult and time consuming. Fortunately, at the rate at which data technology is advancing, these difficulties can be reduced in the next three years.

That’s why more businesses are planning to adopt Big Data for future success. The business community around the world, including the telecom and IT industries, needs data scientists who can ease their difficulties with big data, but getting and studying this most attractive job of the 21st century is not easy.

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