
Lack of cleanliness spreads fatal diseases

By:  Adeel Alvi
SHIKARPUR: Indeed, cleanliness is half faith, but people of Shikarpur have to face many dangers diseases spreading for lack of cleanliness because there are many heaps of garbage at different segments of Shikarpur mainly next to Pakistan Post Office Lakhi gate, Jumani Hall, Haji Latif Shah, Wagono gate, Circular gate, Shahi Bagh Road, and other parts of suburbs of Shikarpur.
Zahid Bhanbhro, the QAT leader Shikarpur, and other residences of concerned areas expressed their deep concerns and said that owing to heaps of garbage different diseases mainly amongst the children are spreading slowly and gradually, but concerned Municipal authorities are not taking serious notice of the issue and deliberately using delaying tactics.
Rahim Bux Bhutto, the residence of Shahi Bagh, said that I have lodged many complaints about cleanliness, but all in vain.
The people of Shikarpur demanded the Deputy Commissioner Shikarpur, Administrator MC Shikarpur, to take notice of the issue and play their role to clean the following roads and streets as well.

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