Ghulam Ali Buririo

SU professor Dr. G.A. Buriro gets “Impassioned International Teacher–educator Award”

JAMSHORO: “A noble deed never goes waste!” is what we have been hearing since times immemorial. And how true it has always stood indeed! This same time-tested dictum has also come to be commensurate in case of Sindh University faculty — Assistant Professor Dr. Ghulam Ali Buriro who has been distinguished and bestowed with eminent international teacher-educator award in acknowledgement of his praiseworthy service to the ELT community in Asia and in quite many instances outside the continent.

The tangible testimony of the above observation came evident in form of recent-most magnificent conferment of highly illustrious international award upon Dr. Buriro.

As per available details, International Society of Teachers, Administrators and Researchers (ISTAR) Global, Thailand/Philippines has bestowed ” Impassioned International Teacher-educator: Asia and Beyond Award” upon Dr. Ghulam Ali Buriro who serves as an Assistant Professor at SU Institute of English Language and Literature.

The said award was virtually conferred upon Dr. Buriro on the sidelines of International Conference on Action Research and Teaching Demonstration Festival on the theme ” From Reflection to Re-connection: Action Research Legacy as an Apparatus of Social Change” organized by ISTAR Global in collaboration with five other international academic and professional organizations. Dr. Buriro was the Keynote Speaker in the conference held on July 29 instant.

This award has been accorded to Dr. Buriro in gracious recognition of his voluntary, continued, selfless and dedicated services towards capacity- building of multi-level ELT practitioners across Asia and beyond. So far, Dr. Buriro has imparted multiple international webinars, training workshops, teaching demonstrations and keynote speeches on the occasion of myriad of international conferences, congresses, summits, and teaching demonstration festivals organized by ISTAR in collaboration with a host of other international organizations on varied academic, research and professional development themes. The expertise, experiences, insights, skills, knowledge, motivation, inspiration and resources that Dr. Buriro has on-site and virtually shared with the audiences from Asia and beyond have been phenomenal and have cast transformational impact in the last two years on well above 5,000 (Five Thousand) educators from around 40 (Forty) countries continentally representing USA, Europe, South America, Russia, Africa and Asia.

Dr. Buriro enjoys wide acclaim, stupendous popularity and huge fan-following as an inspired and inspiring classroom teacher, social development mentor, student upskilling master-trainer, academic and research guide, international teacher-educator and youth motivator.

The awarding outfit that is “International Society of Teachers, Administrators and Researchers, Inc.” is a globally-reputed non-profit academic organization based simultaneously in the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of Philippines with over 300 international members, 15 world chapters/centers and quite an impressive track record of organizing 31 international conferences/webinars/training workshops/TESOL certificate courses to its credit. It is registered with and is recognized by the Department of Business Development in Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines. It has of late signed partnership Memorandum of Understanding with International Chamber of English Language Teachers, Mexico. Earlier, it has collaborated teaching, training and research projects with leading international outfits that include 7 professional organizations and 14 universities and basic education learning institutions. So far, around 6,000 educators, students, scholars and researchers from 49 countries have benefitted from the international events organized by ISTAR Global, Thailand/Philippines.

When approached in this context, Dr. Ghulam Ali said, ” I take this distinction as a token of Allah Almighty’s infinite grace, manifestation of the power of prayers of thousands of students and friends I have so far been able to benefit, one way or the other; who now hold me and my ardent labor of love dear to their hearts”. He opined that he reckoned it a matter of immense pride for his parent institute and his Alma Mater University of Sindh, Jamshoro; adding that after the news of the award had gone public, there had been a steady in-stream of congratulatory messages by friends and well-wishers from home and abroad. And that he sincerely thanked all for their prayers, compliments, support and encouragement.

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