
LRF celebrates International Day for Street Children

By: Adele Alvi.

SHIKARPUR. An International Day for street children was celebrated by Legal Rights Forum (LRF) Shikarpur with collaboration to Save the Children and Community based child projection committee here at different villages of Shikarpur with the prime aim to access Essential Services for street children.

Awareness walk carried out from village Mud Khoso up to Indus Highway aim to raise the awareness concerning the importance of the international day for street children access to Essential Services. The walk was attended by Education officials, teachers and students of different villages of Shikarpur and a large number of people belonging to different walks of life.
Addressing on the occasion Zahid Abro, Ms. Sobia Qazi, Ghulam Qadir Mastoi and Ms. Nighat Sultana said that
International Day for Street Children is being globally celebrated since 2012, to recognise the humanity, dignity, and defiance of street children in the face of unimaginable hardships, therefore, we want government as well as individuals worldwide to work together and ensure their rights no matter who they are and where they live, There are millions of children in the world whose lives are inextricably connected with public spaces, streets, buildings, and shopping centers, etc.
Some of these children either will live on the streets or sleeping in parks, doorways, or bus shelters. remaining may have homes to go back to, but they rely on the streets for survival and sustenance, furthermore, maybe they referred to as ‘street children street-connected children, homeless children or homeless youth, Also at times, they may be described in more negative terms such as ‘beggars juvenile delinquents and ‘thieves’. Labels that judge a child in this way disguise the fact that these vulnerable children are owed the care, protection, and above all, respect due to all children, speakers added The 4 steps to equality is based on the UN General Comment on Children in Street Situations, breaking it into four actionable steps Commit to Equality, Protect Every Child, Provide Access to Services.
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In 2021, we concentrate on Step 3: Provide Access to Services. We call on Government to take action so that street children can access the services they need to reach their full potential.

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