Health & Fitness

Mysterious disease turns a dozen people paralyzed in Badin’s Piroz Jamali village


By Sawan Khaskheli

BADIN: The mysterious disease surfaces at village Piroz Jamali in district Badin which turned the a dozen of the people which can also siege the entire villagers in its grip if no attention to be heeded by concerned authorities.

According to details, the precious lives of at least a dozen of the people including children, women, young and elders have been paralyzed by the mysterious disease in village Piroz Jamali, district Badin and it was remained uncovered by the authorities.

Surprisingly, all paralyzed persons were related with a same family of Jamali community of Faqeer Muhla (Ilyas Jamali) near Nindo town in district Badin. ‘All were set and healthy and worked normally couple of the years ago but unfortunately when turned twelve they started to be paralyzed when touched eighteen age, they completely warped as paralyze and disable to run and work accordingly’, a villager, Khadim Shah deplored.

Nargis 12, D/o Ghulam Abbas, Ms. Zulekhan 25 D/o Ilyas, Khair Ali 35, Aijaz Ali 25, Ghulam Raza 25, Rajab Ali 22, Ghulam Rasul 25, Sabit Ali 22, Ghulam Hussain 26, Noor Jahan 30, Majid Ali 10, Shahida 25 D/o Ghulam Abbas have been turned paralyzed and impaired by mysterious disease.

‘Mostly residents of the village used water of hand pumps for drinking purpose which saline and brackish’, a villager Mubsher Ali told. The mostly resident’s blood pressure (BP) was observed high which was might be makes the record of the district, Ms. Shehnaz Khaskheli, Nurse of Global International, said.

‘It is pertinent to mention that Global International has also conducted medical camp in the village a week ago in the village.’

Other hand, villagers of the Piroz Jamali, social activists of area and others appealed to district health authorities, Sindh Govt and other concerned quarters to take the notice of the mysterious diseases and provide them medical support to the disease affected people and also demanded for provision of the wheelchairs for paralyzed people of the village of Piroz Jamali as they can live their lives as normally.

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