Orange Canola Adrak
Health & Fitness

Almonds, ginger and canola protect against winter diseases and boost immunity, experts

Medical experts say that three items are included in the diet that not only protects you from harmful bacteria in winter, but it also plays an important role in boosting the human body’s immune system.

These include almonds in the first place, green tea made from ginger and lemon in the second place and stress fruit or canoe.

It is true that when the cold weather comes after the intense heat and sweat of the summer, people are happy that they have got rid of the hot weather, but the cold weather weakens the human immune system.
At such times we need nutritious food. These three items provide a lot. Keep in mind that there are fifteen nutrients in almonds, including magnesium, protein, riboflavin, zinc and others.

It also contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and enhances the functions of the pulmonary immune system.

Vitamin A also protects against infections caused by E-virus and bacteria. Then it does not have to make any special arrangements to eat it can be eaten at any time and place.

In addition, this dried fruit is also included in various foods and spices in the subcontinent.

Ginger and lemon green tea are second only to ginger, which contains ingredients that play a key role in boosting the immune system and killing bacteria.
If ginger tea is taken in the morning, it protects against many diseases as well as boosts the immune system.
The number one stressor is cannabis, and it has long been known that vitamin C boosts the immune system and protects us from colds, fevers and sore throats. Strawberries include all fruits, including cannabis, muslins, lemons, as well as kiwis and guavas, which protect against winter illnesses and strengthen the immune system.

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