
Need of national unity

By: Asif Ali Shah Lakiyari

The atmosphere of political tension between the government and the opposition is common in a democracy. Regardless of the situation in the country, it is logical to keep an eye on the situation with reference to many violent and terrorist incidents in the past, especially when an enemy like India is on the lookout for opportunities. After the successful operation of Zarb-e-Azb and Radalfsad so that no worrying situation arises again in the country, the closeness between the government and the national security agencies is doubled. Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Director General ISI Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed met Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday to discuss the professional affairs of the Pakistan Army and the external and internal security situation and the continuation of human rights in occupied Kashmir. Violations as well as ongoing ceasefire violations and provocations by Indian forces along the LoC were discussed. The meeting rightly vowed to defend the motherland at all costs with the support of the entire nation. It may be recalled that two days before the meeting, Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited the front lines of the LoC and warned the Indian Army.

What would happen is that any attempt of aggression on the border will be met with a resounding response. He was briefed on the latest situation in the LOC, India’s deliberate targeting of Azad Kashmir citizens in violation of the ceasefire, while the Indian Army’s UN vehicle violated international law and values. Targeting was also reported, which has been confirmed by the UN mission. As a whole, the situation is a matter of concern to the government and the national security agencies, as it came to light last September that India was planning major terrorist attacks in November-December. He has formed a militia of 700 people to sabotage the C-Pack project. He is pursuing a program of shelling the civilian population and firing on innocent people in a deliberate plan to provoke Pakistan by repeatedly violating the ceasefire on the Line of Control. On the other hand, the supply of arms and money to the Altaf Hussain group, the Taliban and the banned Baloch organizations, the terrorist incidents in the border areas of the country, including the attempt to organize ISIS in Pakistan, and the shelling of Pakistani areas in the name of Afghan forces across the border. All are links to the Indian conspiracy. Which is gradually becoming apparent to the world, which is opening the floodgates of India’s pacifist claims in the region. At the OIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting late last month, full support for Pakistan’s legitimate and principled position on Kashmir and the worst move by Indian troops on unarmed Kashmiris, including the illegal move to change the constitutional status of occupied Kashmir on August 5 last year. The unanimous adoption of the resolution against the killings is a ground fact that it is logical to confuse the Modi government. In this regard, the recent press conference of Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Abu Dhabi is very important. In which it was revealed that India is planning a surgical strike against Pakistan. Under these circumstances, the government and the opposition should be ready to meet the national security agencies unconditionally at any time.

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