Joe 5

New US President’s first speech!

By: Syed Muzzaffar Shah Lakiyari

Newly elected Joe Biden, 78, of Pennsylvania, officially took office as the 46th President of the United States on Wednesday, February 20, 2021 at 11:00 AM US time (9:00 PM Pakistan time). The day of the inauguration of the new president has always been very important in the history of the United States, but this time there were some unusual things, such as: In the wake of the attack on Capitol Hill and the deaths of many people, Washington continued to look at the military barracks with the deployment of 25,000 uniformed personnel. During the first speech of the new president, silence was observed in memory of the Americans who died at the hands of the Corona virus. Had it been for the victims, it would certainly have been a much louder voice for peace, love and respect for the human values ​​expressed in the new president’s speech for the international community. Former President Trump became the first US president in 150 years not to attend the inauguration of a new president. His message on YouTube “In 4 years

We did what we came to do. ”There were many stories of prejudice against Muslims and other nations, including Kashmiris, Palestinians, victims of the Middle East catastrophe, and racial discrimination in the United States itself. 4: Along with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the first female vice president in American history, also took the oath of office, becoming the first black and the first Asian American vice president. In his first speech since assuming the presidency, Biden pointed out that “today is not a victory for personalities, but a victory for the democratic process, which is very valuable as well as fragile.” These points in Joe Biden’s speech are significant and point to the possibility of many far-reaching decisions that will bridge the gap between allies and promote cooperation for world peace and stability. “The attack on Capitol Hill shook the foundations of democracy,” he said. We face hatred, bigotry, racism, extremism. ” Joe Biden has the opportunity to work for the supremacy of democratic and human values ​​and the supremacy of the principles that the major countries of the world, including the United States, have endured since the end of World War II. Guaranteed in the form of the UN Charter. Examples of denial of democratic values, hatred, bigotry, racism, extremism are present in many places but Kashmir and Palestine are the worst examples. Biden now has the responsibility to address the blatant violations of basic human rights and the clouds of nuclear war that have spread across the globe. The majority of leaders around the world, including Prime Minister Imran Khan, who have congratulated President Joe Biden, expect the new US president to play an active role in the fight against human rights abuses and in the interests of peace around the world. We will take the planet out of conditions like trade wars, create new possibilities for economic recovery and strengthen the hands of countries like Pakistan in their struggle for world peace.

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