Dua Prayer

Prayer, importance and manners

By: Muhammad Saeed Lakhiar

The divine command is: Translation! Who is he that will answer the supplication of the disbelievers when he prays to Him and removes (his) distress and (makes) you successors in the earth (Allah does all this)? Is there any god besides Allah? (Not at all but) You pay very little attention. (Surat an-Naml) It was learned that one should submit to Allah alone and should not have any hopes from anyone else and should always have authority, as commanded. Almighty: Translation! And remember your Lord in your hearts with humility and fear and in a low voice morning and evening and do not be heedless. (Surat al-A’raf)

From this blessed verse it is known that one should keep on praying to Allah Almighty on every occasion and in the morning and evening night and day and one should not be unaware of this matter. Through which the servant can be victorious and prosperous by getting the help and support of his Lord. As it is known from the blessed biography of the Lord of the Worlds that he would turn to his Lord at every opportunity, surely Allah Almighty had made the Lord of the Universe the respondent to the supplications. However, it is up to Allah to accept or reject His supplication. Some of the etiquettes, conditions and times of the demand and popularity of dua have been described. If they are taken care of, it is hoped that the supplications will be accepted and accepted in the presence of Allah.

In order to pray and gain acceptance, it is necessary for the servant to adopt halal earnings. Obey the law. It is better to sit on two knees for prayer, but one can pray to the Lord in every situation while walking, lying down and waking up. Pray humbly. He should confess his sins at the time of dua, so that fear and remorse of Allah may arise in his heart and humility and submission may be prominent. For dua, it is necessary that dua be asked with complete certainty, because Allah has promised acceptance. Prayers offered with certainty and sincerity are not accepted. When praying, spread your palms and raise your hands so high that your thumbs are against your shoulders. Hands should not be raised above the chest. One should adopt complete oneness while praying and should not look around.

The du’aa ‘should begin with Bismillah and Allahu ta’ala to the extent of praise and description and Durood-e-Sharif on the Lord of the Worlds. Praise be to Allaah and Durood Sharif should be recited at the end of the du’aa ‘, because without du’aa’ the du’aa ‘remains suspended, as the hadeeth says that the du’aa’ in which the du’aa ‘is recited hangs between the earth and the sky. Can’t get it) then pray a lot. Repeat three times. Amen should be said after the prayer. Finally, after Durood Sharif, one should turn one’s hands over one’s face. Inshallah your prayers will be accepted. If you don’t remember in Arabic, you can also pray in your own language. Allah is the Acceptor.

The times when prayers are accepted with specialty.

(1) Dua is accepted between Adhan and Takbir. (2) At the time of Maghrib Adhan (3) At the time of breaking the fast (4) In Jihad when the war has started. (5) After the obligatory prayers (6) days There is a clock in the night in which the supplication is accepted. (7) In prostration, the servant is very close to Allah at that time. (8) On Friday (9) According to some traditions when the Imam sits between two sermons. Dua is accepted at this time (10) Dua is accepted from Asr prayer to Maghrib on Friday (11) When it is raining (12) In Shab-e-Qadr (13) Ninth date of Zul-Hajj (14) After recitation of Holy Quran (15) The whole month of Ramadan is of acceptance. (16) Friday night (17) At dawn (18) At the time of drinking Zamzam (19) Where believers gather in large numbers, such as Friday, Eid, Arafat Square (20) When looking at the Ka’bah. (21) In the last afternoon of the night. Get up about an hour and a half before the morning call. This is the last afternoon of the night. This is the best time to worship and accept prayers. As in the Qur’an: And they ask forgiveness in the middle of the night. (Surat al-Dhariyat: 18)

The Lord of the Universe was asked which supplication is more acceptable. He said that in the middle of the last part of the night (the last part of the night) and after the obligatory prayers. (Tirmidhi)

Places where prayer is accepted with specialty.

(1) Masjid al-Haram (2) Masjid al-Nabawiyyah (3) Masjid al-Aqsa (4) Inside the Ka’bah (5) In Tawaf (6) Multazam (7) On the Ka’bah chapter (10) Inside Hatim (11) On Safa and Marwa (12) In Arafat (13) Muzdalifah (14) Mina. On Jamrat (15) under the altar of mercy, etc. Prayers are accepted in all these places. If a Muslim is fortunate enough to visit these places, he should pray a lot.

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