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People are now calling me old: Lara Dutta

Former Miss Universe and Bollywood star Lara Dutta has spoken out against those who have commented on the growing age of fellow actresses, including herself.

In a recent interview to Indian media, Lara Dutta said that the Bollywood industry is not at all kind to other actresses my age. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me

“I think the ’40s are the best for me because the roles I’m playing now have a purpose and they’re deeply relevant,” said Lara Dutta.

He further said that people say about me and other talented actresses like Rani, Madhuri and Kajal that they are starting to look old.

They have become too fat for us as we use the phrase which is wrong. Like every human being, the age of the actresses also increases. I’m free from expectations because I’m a former Miss Universe so my fans expected me to bring glamor to movies.

“I think the ’40s are the best for me because the roles I’m playing now have a purpose and they’re deeply relevant,” said Lara Dutta.

He further said that people say about me and other talented actresses like Rani, Madhuri and Kajal that they are starting to look old.

They have become too fat for us as we use the phrase which is wrong. Like every human being, the age of the actors also increases.

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