Digital Health
Health & Fitness

Role of “Digital Health” in achieving “Universal Health Coverage”

Corona virus disease, which spreads around the world soon after its outbreak in one country, offers a strong case for investment in public health globally and has led to “universal health coverage”. Has revived the debate.

An estimated 400 million people worldwide lack access to basic health care. Each year, about 100 million people fall into extreme poverty because they have to pay for their own health care. That number has risen since the Covid19 and is expected to rise further as the global epidemic could deprive many more people of employment and health insurance, while Covd19-related testing, treatment and vaccine costs Will increase

Achieving the goals of universal health coverage, such as quality health, financial security and equal access to health care, has made it imperative to adopt “value-based health care (VBHC)”. This is because the current health care system has already reached its limit and has been rendered ineffective by Kwid19.

Improving health outcomes has to do with improving the efficiency of the health system and the delivery of patient-centered care, which is really important for the patient and society. The following three ways of value-based healthcare can ensure universal healthcare in the post-epidemic world.

The importance of “data” in the delivery of medical care

Many traditional services are increasingly turning to modern ‘remote care’ care as part of global efforts to reduce the prevalence of Kwid19. The hereditary system of healthcare has been increasingly rendered ineffective by modern ‘remote care’, leading to rapid advances in the field of ‘digital health’.

The importance of digital health in advancing the Universal Healthcare agenda has also been endorsed by the World Health Organization. In particular, telemedicine has allowed for doctor-patient interaction regardless of location. Thus, the geographical reach of health care professionals has increased significantly. Other digital health capabilities include e-learning and mobile. Includes learning tools that promote attitudes toward diet and health in accordance with Universal Health Coverage.

The data obtained from these methods better illustrate the “digital divide”, which shows why the population outside the scope of health facilities fails to promote appropriate attitudes towards health. In light of these statistics, it is possible for patients or communities without digital access to access healthcare through alternative sources of health services such as mobile clinics. Quad19 has accelerated this process.

Better access to health care and collective national health

Many countries provide universal health coverage on a nominal basis, and despite improvements, there are still problems with missing out on opportunities to improve the quality of care and outcomes. In order to accelerate efforts to improve the quality and outcome of health care, we must move beyond the concept of access to health and the package.

Developed in the light of digital health and ‘data’, the Universal Health Care System can provide comprehensive results and quality assessments of health facilities. This state-of-the-art healthcare system is being adopted in many countries around the world and is expected to be adopted by other countries in the world during and after CWID19.

The new model of compensation reduces costs and improves quality

An important measure of universal healthcare is the availability of quality healthcare to nations without financial hardship. In such cases, it is important that new healthcare models reduce the financial constraints that patients face. Modern value-based healthcare models accurately determine the cost over the duration of treatment and make compensation conditional on standard services, which are determined in light of the results.

This is different from the traditional “compensation for services” theory, where a medical professional receives compensation for merely rendering services, as opposed to the results and quality of medical services. Thus, alternative and modern models of health care delivery compel medical professionals to provide quality services from the standard of diagnosis, treatment and care, resulting in a reduction in patient health costs.

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