
21st century and education in Sindh

By: Fiza Jamali

In the 21st century, the Sindh province lives its leisure life in the stone age, where education is a little word written in a fastened, masked, dusty caged book with a spider’s web. Subsequently, Rural areas of Sindh are so sociable that Schools are the place where locals retain their animals for their more conforming upbringings, or local people maintain their gossip events or cortege ceremonies held at this historical place, called School. Moreover, in the era of modest and science, rural areas of Sindh have an eccentric type of conception and customs that they worry dowery more than the girls’ education, that is the principal force behind the slogan that “Gender wise, boys outnumber girls in every stage of education. According to UNICEF: Pakistan has the highest number of out of school children, primary causes for out-of-school children are poverty rate of Sindh, estimated at 43 percent, out of which a total of 75.5 is in rural areas of Sindh, another intellect include conservativeness of local people to let their girl child out and achieve higher education or in some cases secondary education. Although the people of Sindh are poor, rulers are the richest in the world. Further, the total population of Sindh is 47.89 Million, out of which 60% are under the age of 15. According to CM Murad Ali Shah, 4.5 Million students enrolled in the year 2019, out of which primary school enrolment was 2.9 Million, and 1.4 Million students enrolled in private schools in Sindh. It is so outraging to see such a province’s facts and figures, which in history was one of the well-civilized nation and the world’s leading trading centers.

Sindh has their motives in Indus civilization, and according to research, residents of that civilization enjoyed the developed life. Nevertheless, people caged in the middle-of-the-road of the feudal system, personal disputes, amulet (taveez), and black magic that we hardly have time to spare on science and education for our young generation. Here am reminded of Mr. Amar Jaleel’s golden words that the situation of Sindh could be well elaborated by the example, if the group of Sindhi’s kept in well, they would never let the one goes out alone.

Besides, I would love to add that education is not a mere word but a whole system, which needs to be taught at home before any school. Housekeepers or parents should take the step before any government officials. Moreover, schooling should not add to cram the things unknown, but proper understanding and keen interest to grow a generation’s future. Further, we must exclude the top-performing schools’ list and rankings because education is not a name of competition, cooperation is norm. The government should prioritize education in all ways and must involve parents in their concerns. At school management, there should be no compromise because that is the only situation.

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