
Nowruz- The Festival of Joy and Happiness

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja
Nowruz- The festival that heralds the first day of the Iranian new year and it happens to be the first day of spring marked by equinox. The word Navroz means a new year or a new beginning, it marks the first day of the New year according to the Persian calendar.
Different historians write that it is an approximately 3000 years old Festival that commemorates the spring season and new year in Anglo Iranian traditions. After the advent of Islam, this festival was celebrated in Persia by the Muslims.
As some traditions suggest this festival was introduced to Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) by Hazrat Salman Al-Farsi. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) used to felicitate Hazrat Salman Farsi on the eve of Navroz.
An Iranian King Jalaluddin Malikshah started Celebrating this festival on 21st March since then it has been celebrated on this date. This festival is celebrated in different parts of the world mainly Central Asian countries. The forte of Nowruz is that it is celebrated in a traditional fervor in different parts of the world that doubles the importance of this festival.
The festivities of Nowruz reflect the renewal of the Earth that occurs with the coming of spring. Activities that celebrate the arrival of Nowruz share many similarities with other spring festivals such as Easter, celebrated by Christians, and the Egyptian holiday called Sham Al-Naseem, which dates back to the time of the Pharaohs.
Like other countries of the world, the festival is celebrated in Pakistan as well particularly in the northern part of the country. Jashn_E_ Nowruz is celebrated every year across Gilgit Baltistan. The event brings immense joy and happiness to the people of this region as they consider this event part of their culture.
Different events are organized on that day and special prayers are offered for the progress and prosperity of the country. Because Nowruz has its roots in Iran the Shias in Pakistan also celebrate this Festival with vehemence. The festival brings to us the MEssage of harmony, peace, renewal, and rebirth.

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