
Electoral reforms inevitable!

By: Imran K. Bhatti

The tug-of-war between the government and the opposition seems to be escalating, but analysts are right in hoping that beyond this difficult situation, there will be ways to make the election process more transparent. There will be a consensus among the parties on reform measures. In this regard, reference is made to some past events, the most important of which was the drafting of the 1973 constitution and the consensus on it. Even in today’s dire situation, the statements that have been coming out show the possibility of electoral reform. It is clear from the statements made by Prime Minister Imran Khan to his party spokespersons on Monday and the statements he has made before that he wants to close the door to corruption through electoral reforms. A statement from PML-N vice-president and key leader of the anti-government coalition Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), Maryam Nawaz, said the current rulers were moving towards an open ballot in the Senate after being sent home. Highlighting the need. The situation at present is that elections have been held for the members of the Senate in which after the defeat of the government in the Islamabad seat, Prime Minister Imran Khan was given the national seat.

A vote of confidence had to be taken from the assembly. The opposition is unwilling to legalize the vote, while the ruling party has some complaints from the Election Commission. It is good that the Prime Minister has instructed his party spokespersons not to directly criticize the Election Commission and only insist on demands. The election of the most important seat of the Chairman Senate has come to a head. In these circumstances, there is a need for the parties to exercise restraint in their statements and actions. Accept any results or in case of any objection, refer to the concerned institution as per legal procedure. But keep in mind the requirements of dignity and respect of democratic forces in your speech, tone and strategy. In such a world, on the one hand, Prime Minister Imran Khan is complaining to the Election Commission that the petitions of the ruling party in the Senate elections and Daska have not been heeded and is commenting on the opposition that he is a defender of the corrupt system. On the other hand, the anti-government coalition PDM has announced to start a long march from March 26 with claims to end the political role of the Establishment and it is also being said that there is an option of resignations. And that’s part of the strategy. But it is important to keep in mind whether the ruling coalition is affiliated with the PDM, the parties involved or the state institutions. Everyone’s lasting interest is in the development of this country and the growth of high political values ​​here. Be it secret ballot and open ballot discussions or complaints of election irregularities. The solution lies in understanding. The government has a responsibility to bring all political forces to the negotiating table so that all schools of thought can work together to reform the electoral system in a way that eliminates or greatly reduces the likelihood of serious conflicts in the future. It is possible This chapter should not be delayed. All political forces have a responsibility to take the path of understanding for the benefit of the motherland.

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